We are finally finished with 2020 and onto 2021! At Arizona Smile Designers, we know it was a tough year and understand if your oral health declined a little. Fortunately, with this new year upon us, we all have the opportunity to kick-start our oral hygiene routine and re-commit to healthy habits and healthier teeth.
Start the year off right by scheduling a dental check up and teeth cleaning for January or February. Our Cottonwood restorative dentistry knows that the holidays (and maybe the past year) were filled with sugar, cakes, and cookies, so it’s the perfect time to clean your teeth!
Eating a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables is not only good for your bodily health, it is excellent for your oral health as well. Our dentists in Sedona and Cottonwood recommend swapping out processed and sugary foods for a whole-foods diet. This will decrease your risk of cavities and other harmful dental conditions.
Drinking plenty of water should be part of your daily balanced diet. Water helps flush out bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums. It also helps keep your mouth and body hydrated which will decrease your risk of dry mouth and cavities. Try drinking water instead of soda, juice, and other sugary beverages this year.
In 2021, commit to flossing every day. This will improve your dental health tremendously. It’s a simple habit that will really make a difference. Arizona Smile Designers recommends brushing at least twice per day and flossing once per day to prevent cavities and other dental health conditions.
This is the year to finally quit smoking. Did you know that smoking doubles your risk of gum disease and other oral health conditions? Once you quit smoking your oral and bodily health will improve immensely.
Finally, schedule your first dental appointment of the new year by requesting an appointment online or contacting Arizona Smile Designers directly. Our dentists and staff cannot wait to start your 2021 off on the right foot. We look forward to seeing you at our Sedona restorative dentistry office soon!