Summer is finally here and Arizona Smile Designers hopes you have a fantastic summer in the sun! Our Sedona dentists work hard to provide comprehensive, high-quality dental care to patients of all ages, even during the summer months. Although the kids are out of school for the summer and you may have taken off work for a vacation or two, it is still important to keep up with your oral hygiene routine and ensure your family does the same. Our Cottonwood top dental office has a few tips on how to take care of your teeth over the summer.
Just because you are going on vacation, does not mean you can take a break from brushing your teeth. Follow our Cottonwood, AZ dentist’s tips to ensure you keep cavities and tooth decay away this summer.
Keep the Same Routine: Throughout the summer months, keep the same dental routine you’ve been doing throughout the year. This means brushing twice per day and flossing once per day.
Pack Responsibly: Whether you are going on vacation or heading to a sports camp, remember to pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash.
Watch Your Sugar Intake: We understand that summer is a fun time to eat ice cream and popsicles and chips at the beach, but remember, everything in moderation. Limit the amount of sugar and processed foods you are eating and choose fresh options instead. Foods like watermelon, peaches, and cucumbers are great healthy, low sugar snacks that are perfect for the pool, beach, or a hike.
Schedule Your End of Summer Appointment Now: Schedule your next teeth cleaning appointment at our Sedona dentist for the end of August. That way, if you have overindulged in sugar, we can catch cavities early and treat them appropriately.
For individualized dental care, focused on your particular needs, contact Arizona Smile Designers today! Our top dental office will be happy to discuss all of our dental services and treatments and answer any questions you may have. Schedule your next appointment with our Sedona dentist. We hope you have a great summer!