It is very important to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning to combat plaque buildup and so your doctor can check for signs of gum disease and oral cancer, but there is a lot you can do at home to keep your teeth in tip-top shape. Dr. Steve Vergara and his team at Arizona Smile Designers have years of experience in cosmetic, general, and family dentistry, treating patients in Cottonwood, AZ and today we’ve put together this list of tips for keeping your teeth clean at home.
Everyone knows you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, but there is also a proper technique to achieve optimal results. Hold the bristles at a 45-degree upward angle towards the gum line, so some of the bristles gently massage and even “floss” the gums. Do not overdo the pressure, or risk damaging the gum tissue.
The phosphoric acid and citric acid that give soda its carbonation and tanginess can do incredible damage to tooth enamel, breaking it down and making way for the copious amounts of sugar in the beverage to do further harm. Swap soda for seltzer or spa water and your teeth will thank you.
Did you know that some foods can actually clean your teeth as you eat them? Crisp and crunchy foods like apples and raw carrots can counteract plaque buildup and strengthen your jaw. Clean your teeth after a meal with one of these foods if brushing isn’t an option.
Sugar-free chewing gum is tooth-friendly in a few different ways. It freshens your breath and helps remove food scraps from your teeth after a meal. It also increases saliva production, and the antibacterial properties in saliva fight the bad bacteria in your mouth.
It’s always a good idea to be proactive about your oral health before any painful and potentially expensive problems arise. Request an appointment for your next professional cleaning with Arizona Smile Designers, and explore the cosmetic treatments we offer to further enhance your smile. Contact us if you have any questions and visit our blog for more dental news.