Dental Tooth Extractions

Extracting Only the Necessary Dentistry Information & Giving it to You

Having teeth pulled is not always the first option that people like to jump to when thinking of dentistry solutions, but when a damaged or crowded tooth is impairing the overall dental health of a patient’s mouth, a dental extraction is a useful and beneficial treatment. Therefore, we at Arizona Smile Designers thought it would be a good idea to provide a couple of tooth extraction tid-bits that you can really sink your teeth into.

For Starters, When is it Ok to Have a Tooth Extraction?

It is first important to discuss the specific times and situations where people should be getting their teeth pulled, and that we aren’t just extracting teeth willy-nilly. Having a tooth pulled can be a great way to ease the pain and discomfort a patient is feeling in their mouth. Furthermore in the event when saving or repairing the tooth is no longer an option, pulling the tooth and having a dental implant put in is a far less painful option in the long run. Specific reasons for having a tooth pulled can include:
  • Extra teeth that prevent new teeth from coming in. This applies to both standard adult teeth coming in, as well as the third molars in an adult, aka the “wisdom teeth.”
  • A dental trauma like a blow to the jaw can cause damage to the tooth, and if the impact breaks the tooth or simply damages it beyond repair, an extraction may be recommended.
  • If a periodontal disease in the gums causes an infection within the tooth, this is another instance when the tooth should be removed.
  • If a patient is on immune system affecting drugs (like those used to treat cancer), then this could affect the teeth, and increase the likelihood the tooth needs to be removed.
  • If a patient is receiving radiation as a treatment to the head or neck, there is a chance the doctors will recommend removing the teeth within the field of radiation so as to not impact the treatment.

Are all Tooth Extractions the Same?

Not all tooth extractions follow the same procedure. Within the field of dentistry, there are two main types of dental extractions:
  • The first type is the simple extraction wherein dentists loosen and elevate the tooth with a specific instrument (called the elevator), and then use a pair of dental-like pliers known as forceps to actually pull the tooth.
  • The second type of extraction is a little bit more complicated. In instances where the tooth might have broken off at the gum line, or if the tooth is still coming in and has not fully crowned (usually wisdom teeth), the dentist will make an incision in the gum, after which the tooth will be pulled. Sometimes, dentists will need to remove some of the bone around the tooth or cut to tooth in half in order to safely remove it from the mouth.

What I Should Do After the Extraction?

After the extraction is one of the most crucial times for the patient. Your mouth is vulnerable to infection, and there is a pretty sizeable hole. Therefore, we highly recommend you adhere to the useful tricks:
  • Take an NSAID like ibuprofen, Advil, or Tylenol three to four times per day, for about three days.
  • Rinse your mouth out with warm salt water a day after the extraction has taken place. Continue doing this for at least 4 more days or until the wound has fully healed. This helps to keep the affected area clean.
  • Eat SOFT foods! Trust us, you will want to anyways.
  • An ice pack can help reduce swelling and soreness. Place the ice pack directly on the sore side of your face, and keep it there for 20 minutes. Then remove the ice pack for 20 minutes and repeat.
  • Don’t smoke, spit, or use a straw for a few days following the surgery. These actions can pull the blood clot out of the hole where your tooth was, and inhibit the healing process.

Contact Us More Questions!

After all, we here at Arizona Smile Designers are your friendly cottonwood dentists, and experts in the field of dentistry. We’d be happy to take your call and answer any other miscellaneous questions you have about dental extractions. Call us at (928) 634-8610. We hope to hear from you soon!