Our main focus at Arizona Smile Designers is helping bring out your best and healthiest smile. This looks different for everyone, with services ranging from general dental check-ups to cosmetic dentistry like implants or dentures.
Dentures or dental implants might be considered when a patient is missing one or more teeth. Not only can missing teeth be detrimental to your confidence, it can also cause more serious issues such as infection, gum disease, and jaw structure deterioration. You might know you could benefit from replacing missing teeth, but which choice is the right one for you?
Dental implants can be an excellent choice to fill in gaps in your teeth, whether there is a single tooth missing or multiple. Your Arizona Smile Designers dentist will insert a titanium post into your gums, with a healing period allowing it to fuse into the bone. At that point, a crown will be attached, completing your smile with a realistic replica that matches the shape and coloring of the surrounding teeth.
Dental implants can cost a bit more upfront but typically are a longer-lasting solution. They are permanent fixtures that stay in place, appearing like and acting like a typical tooth. Complete implants are also treated the same as any other tooth when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Unfortunately, not every patient will be a candidate for dental implants. To proceed with implant dentistry procedures, there must be sufficient bone density and healthy enough gum tissue to support the posts.
Dentures are an alternative to dental implants, offering another option for those hoping to get their perfect smile back. Dentures are a great choice for someone missing multiple teeth, lacking proper jaw density, or looking for a more budget-friendly solution. Dentures are a full or partial set of realistic looking teeth that sit in your mouth over the gums. Unlike implants, dentures are not permanently fixed to your mouth but instead must be removed when sleeping and for cleaning purposes. Dental adhesive helps the device remain in place, but some shifting can cause necessary changes in eating habits to accommodate. Dentures also will not prevent further jaw deterioration.
The end goal of tooth replacement is to achieve a healthier smile that you’re proud to show off, whether that’s by dental implants or dentures. Dental implants are more expensive, but longer-lasting and a more permanent fixture. They are a great choice for anyone missing a single or few teeth but with healthy tissue and jaw bones. For individuals missing many teeth, with poor bone structure, or looking for a more affordable option, dentures are the way to go.
The team at Arizona Smile Designers will work with you to determine the best treatment for your specific situation. Our family dentistry office in the Cottonwood area takes pride in our role in patients’ lives, bringing their best smile forward through dental cleanings, routine care, implants, dentures, teeth whitening, and other treatments.
Ready to transform your smile? Contact Arizona Smile Designers today to discuss whether dental implants or dentures are the best option for you. Our compassionate team in Cottonwood is here to provide expert advice, financial guidance, and personalized care.
Request an appointment with our compassionate professionals to get started!