Causes & Remedy for Tooth Sensitivity

Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity and How to Manage It

Teeth are an important part of our daily lives, small yet mighty. Stronger than even bones, teeth are made of hard, tough enamel to protect them. As in life, though, even the strongest among us can be a little sensitive at times – and that’s okay! Teeth sensitivity is very common, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that can be done about it. Arizona Smile Designers, our goal is to educate you on how best to take care of your oral health, including the steps to take to manage tooth sensitivity. 

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitivity in your teeth may show up in a variety of ways. For example, a common telltale sign that something might be amiss in your mouth is a sudden sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. Beyond temperature, taste itself can wreak havoc with acidic or sweet foods and drinks being a likely culprit. Sometimes even the act of brushing and flossing can be painful, which can cause some people to avoid it. 

The feeling of sensitivity is rooted in the thinning of enamel, which unfortunately leaves the deeper portions of the tooth more likely to be exposed. Some people naturally have less enamel, but often our habits can directly impact sensitivity. Dental sensitivity may be caused by:

  • Teeth Grinding
  • Brushing/Flossing Too Aggressively (Yes, that is a thing!) 
  • Acidic Food/Drink
  • Sugar
  • Chipped Teeth
  • GERD & Other Gastro-Related Health Concerns
  • Gum Disease
  • Tooth Decay
  • Worn Down Fillings / Crowns

How To Manage Tooth Sensitivity in Cottonwood AZ

Despite the numerous misconceptions around teeth cleaning, the proper way to manage tooth sensitivity depends on the cause, but the most important step for anyone is to keep up with regular dental check-ups, including professional teeth cleaning. Our dedicated Cottonwood dental team at Arizona Smile Designers can evaluate current dental problems, as well as emerging issues, to stop sensitivity in its tracks. Ways you can avoid tooth sensitivity on your own include:

  • Switch Your Toothpaste – Change your toothpaste to one specifically formulated for sensitive teeth
  • Swish Smartly – Choose a mouthwash that is alcohol-free
  • Be Gentle – Treat yourself to a soft-bristle toothbrush and don’t brush too hard
  • Change Your Diet – Be conscious about what food and drink you consume, staying away from things like soda, candy, and other acidic or sweet options.
  • Be On Guard – If you are a teeth grinder, consider sleeping in a mouthguard that is fitted for your mouth
  • Take Care Of Yourself – Visit your physician for regular check-ups and get a handle on underlying health issues that might impact your oral health as well
  • Get On The Schedule – Most importantly, allow the professionals at Arizona Smile Designers to provide any necessary dental treatments to remedy cavities or other maladies that may be causing your tooth sensitivity. 

Say Hello To Great Oral Health in Cottonwood Arizona

Although tooth sensitivity may be common, it doesn’t have to be something you get used to. Taking good care of your oral hygiene, visiting your Cottonwood dentist’s office frequently, and being conscious about your habits can ensure a radiant smile that feels as good as it looks! Evaluate the dental insurance plan to make sure you obtain a customized treatment strategy that works with your budget and lifestyle. 

If you need a family dental check-up in Cottonwood, please request an appointment or call Arizona Smile Designers today at 928.634.8610!