Tips For Maintaining Oral Hygiene On The Go

When it comes to your smile, Arizona Smile Designers is here to make sure you’re fully educated on how to best take care of your teeth and overall oral health. Our family dentistry office provides a range of dental services in Cottonwood, Sedona, AZ including teeth cleaning, implants, Invisalign, cosmetic dentistry, and more. Routine is an important aspect of ensuring a healthy mouth. This includes scheduling frequent dental cleanings and check-ups, as well as following an at-home routine to care for your teeth. However, keeping a routine can be difficult depending on lifestyle aspects like career, family, and travel. So, how can you best maintain oral hygiene on the go?

Prepare In Advance For Oral Hygiene Away From Home

Life can get very busy, which makes it easy to let things slide. Unfortunately, letting things like your oral health fall off the priority list will end up causing bigger issues down the road that could take more time, money, and effort to resolve. Whether you frequently travel, are constantly on the go with your kids, or spend a lot of time at the office, there are many ways to set yourself up for oral health success. Follow these tips to keep yourself healthy no matter where you are!

  • Create An Oral Health Kit: The best way to maintain your oral health while on the go is to plan ahead. Create a dental kit you can grab and take on the go – or even make multiple to keep in several locations(office, purse, car). Items to include:
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Floss
    • Mouthwash
  • Watch What You Consume: It’s always a good idea to watch what you’re eating and drinking. Products with a high amount of sugar should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Rinse & Hydrate: Water is your best friend! If you find yourself stuck somewhere without your handy dandy dental kit, you can still take steps to care for your oral health. After eating, rinse your mouth out with water to dislodge and remove sugars and other food particles from your teeth. Be sure to drink plenty of water, too, as hydration is paramount to not just dental health, but your overall health.
  • Carry Gum: In a pinch, grab a piece of sugar-free gum to chew on for at least five minutes after eating. This two-for-one solution will help remove leftover food while also leaving your breath fresh.
  • Keep Routine Appointments: Be sure to schedule your annual dental check-up and teeth cleaning appointments. These important appointments give insight to both your dentist and yourself on the current condition of your oral health, and any potential problems to watch, and allow for deep cleaning. Being ahead of any looming problem areas can help guarantee your teeth don’t give you any trouble while you’re on the go!

Visit Arizona Smile Designers For Your Cottonwood Family Dentistry Needs

Following these simple tips will help you maintain a healthy mouth, keeping your busy life moving and your smile top-notch. If you’re looking for an experienced, compassionate family dental office in the Cottonwood, Sedona, Camp Verde, Clarkdale and Northern Arizona areas, the staff at Arizona Smile Designers is right here waiting for you. Request an appointment whenever you’re ready!