This happy holiday originated in 2012, and is probably one of our favorite holidays here at Arizona Smile Designers. We love helping our patients smile more because in addition to elevating your external appearance, smiling can increase your inner self-love and confidence, and that’s what’s most important. If you’re interested in one of our many dental treatments, including invisalign and cosmetic dentistry, make an appointment with us today!
In the meantime, here are five reasons to show off your smile on March 20, the International Day of Happiness – and every other day!
Scientifically speaking, smiling releases neurotransmitters that help us feel good. When we show off our pearly whites, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin are sent to our brain, and can help us relax, reduce stress, level our heart rates, and boost our moods.
Not only can smiling improve the way you see yourself, but it can improve the way others see you. When you smile, you appear more confident, friendly, and even successful. Nail that job interview by donning an extra wide smile, and spread the job by adding a smile to those you interact with.
Studies have shown that people are more attracted to people showing off a genuine smile. They may perceive you as more approachable, healthy, and upbeat. Who doesn’t want to be around someone omitting good vibes?
People who smile tend to have healthier relationships, and even live longer lives. There have been studies on people who smile more, and they often find they rank higher on scales of happiness and success. One study analysed the smiles of baseball players, and categorized their grins as “no smile,” “partial smile” and “Duchenne smile” also known as an authentic expression of happiness. Not only did these players report deeper contentment with their lives, but they also were more likely to live up to seven years longer than those who didn’t smile at all!
Visit us to learn how we can elevate your life with a brighter smile. Whether you’re interested in veneers or general treatment to ensure professionally cleaned teeth, our team of team or dentists is here to make your first visit a breeze. Call us at 928.634.8610 or book your appointment online with our easy form! We look forward to our journey together, and don’t forget to show off your beautiful smile on March 20 – and every other day!